This movie says it all. There is nothing to add to it but to watch it. The bonus is that it’s all for free. click on the link then just click play and nothing else. Oh yes, one more thing!!!!! SHARE this with others, there is a message in this movie for everyone.




Loveing Life and Being YOU!!!

Send me a message and let me know how listening to this has helped you.

A group formed to provide support for each other and allow you to be heard and supported in a loving and caring way.

Join us the second Tue. of every month to listen and or share your thoughts, concerns, feelings … etc. This hour is set aside for you to be embraced unconditionally as you give of yourself helping others. As youcare for others from your heart and many times physically and financially expecting nothing in return. Sometimes, you might get a thank you or a smile… but then someone will not appreciate what you are doing and grumble. And yet, you continue to take care of your loved one.

Join Lordiel and Shelly live online 646-378-0386 or come into the chat room while we talk and listen. Share what is going on with others to join in and be apart of this support community. Just know that you are not alone!

Join us the second Tue. of every month to listen and or share your


We find it difficult to pay the rent and keep our busy spiritual focused lives going smoothly. We are positive that we know what we have been talking about all these months or years; but the proof is in the pudding. Our clients and friends seem to doubt us for the first time.  Countless road blocks to our success seem to pop up out of no where! We are challenged no matter which way we turn.

Are you seeking honest, accurate and straight forward answers, counsel, insight, choices, options, or clarity? Shelly Seitz is a Sagittarian energy and light worker who has been a Professional Intuitive Reader and Medium since 1986. Psychometry is her innate specialty and Astrology is her focus. She is a clear and open channel who can receive and deliver your Universal information. Allow her to touch your life and make a difference.

MARIE D. McCOHNELL  is a life and spiritual path mentor, She works with therapeutic grade essential oils to help her clients achieve positive results in their effort to heal the mind, body, spirit and emotional parts of themselves.Marie encourages everyone, humans and animals, on the planet to at least experience one aroma therapy treatment given by a gifted and experienced aroma therapist.

Lordiel host on blog talk radio,and is a internationally known lecturer, author,spiritual healer and mentor. 

The healings and blessings that flow through #LORDIEL are unpretentious, unrehearsed and straight from the heart, soul and Spirit. Lordiel, Spiritual Practitioner for the Mind, Body & Soul




I am writing to each of you that listen to my radio program. In the last two mths. I have not been able to have guest on and to guide you because for the whole year, no-one has donated to help me to help you and others around the world. We need each other and to make 2015 a better year, I am asking each of you to make a LOVE donation to asklordiel@gmail.com viapaypal.com which accepts all types of payments. For the last 4 years I have taken it on by myself to pay the cost so that the programs for the mind, body and soul to go worldwide, I can now only do this with your help. Please make a LOVE DONATION viapaypal.com as a gift and if you leave your name and a topic, I will mention your name and either myself willcover the topic that you suggest or a guest that I will have on the program will cover your topic. Giving + Receiving = Balance The Mind- Body & Soul
So, once again…. Please give from your heart and soul as much as you can give!

Lordiel Elizabeth Palmer's photo.
Lordiel Elizabeth Palmer's photo.
Lordiel Elizabeth Palmer's photo.
Lordiel Elizabeth Palmer's photo.


Today and everyday is a new day. Sometimes it’s up and sometimes it’s down. No matter what is going on in your life and no matter what you are feeling about it, you can receive a blessing somehow, someway. Let us come together and reach out to each other to make a greater difference. The world needs each of us, and I am asking you to help me and all that step forward to be a blessing to someone somewhere. This program is not just for today, but for everyday that you need it. Please join us and discuss what is in your heart, sing a song, recite a poem….. whatever you are drawn to do or say, allow it to happen. Please pass this to everyone that you know and let’s make a difference today and everyday.



As I start today, I am tired. But, I know I must go on because there is much to do. My daughter Shanalyna drove up last night to pick me up from my son Dishan’s house to take me back to her house because she lives closer to the doctor that I am to see. I am setting up new doctors because I have just relocated from the state of Washington.

I really had a good night sleep, but still felt tired when I arose at 6AM. But I was determined to get some work done before we left the house … so I spent the next two hours working on the computer thanking those that had voted for for me in this contest and inviting them to join us in our Spiritual Visionary Tribe. It is growing and now I am going to ask you to write comments to what I am writing and also what this journey means to you and the lessons that I am sharing with you.

As my daughter and myself drove down the highway, I called to check on my Daughter Tabby to see how she was doing because she had surgery yesterday. She answered the phone sounding weak but said she was OK. ;0) I sent Divine Blessings her way. I also spoke to my daughter Barbara-lee yesterday  and we talked about how her son Mikkel was growing in leaps and bounds and at 6 yrs old reading 5th grade book. And of course he talked to me and told me all about his day. I asked my daughters ( both ) to help me while I was doing the Expo and seminars with my contest and I received a resounding YES!!! I am getting so much help from so many people that I am still amazed………… My friend Marie called today and she that her and Bonnie were doing an astrology report for me. And as I read through the hundreds of messages I am receiving daily … people are sending me love, good wishes, good thoughts and loads of supportImage. All of this is to say…… Just keep doing good, one day it will come back to you !!! THANK-YOU !!!




How are you today?

My day is half way over and I know I’ve done a lot, but it feels as though I haven’t because I still have a lot to do. You’ve had one of those days…. haven’t you?

Well, let’s get on with this journey! Yesterday when I wrote, it was early morning. So, a lot has transpired since then and it is now the afternoon of the next day.

I continue to be amazed and blessed at the help, support and comment that I am receiving. My niece Tabby, I should say my daughter because she is more like a daughter than a niece and when she gets together with my other daughters… you can’t tell them apart!!! LOL!!! Anyway, she called me to give me some really good advise on proceeding with the contest and wanted me to know that she was there for me 110%. This really meant a lot because right now she is going through some things that require her full attention, but she still took the time out for me. Children, they will make you laugh , cry, celebrate, shake your head, wonder why, all those things and more, but when it is all said and done, you love them anyway. ;0)

Then another good sister friend called me and shared thoughts with me about the contest while she s away on vacation!!!! I had to fuss at her and say, “Marie McCohnell, you are on vacation! You should be having a good time. We can talk when you get back.” But she told me she had me on her mind and wanted to let me know that she would do whatever she could for me. Now, that’s what I call a good friend. One that you don’t have to always go after and ask, but one that will come to you and let you know they are there for you.

As the day wore on, many more emails came in letting me know that they were supporting me. I really thought it would be like pulling teeth to get people to support me. But, what I am starting to feel now is that I am building a tribe. And each of you that are walking with me on this journey is apart of my tribe. Wow, isn’t that awesome? How does that make you feel? To belong to a spiritual tribe that is filled with love and the vision of the tribe is for everyone to live the life that they are meant to live …. to be you … the real you … and let the beauty, love & light that is within you to shine through.

I talked with other people, went out and did a few things, talked with my children and grandson and ended the day watching a few episodes of Merlin with my son. All in all, it was a very good day … just like today is a very good day.

I have to go now , because I have hundreds of emails flowing in and I know I won’t be able to get through all of them before the day is over, so I need to get on it!!!

But before I get on with everything else, I have a gift for you…. be sure to click all over the pic when it comes up and enjoy! enjoy! enjoy!







Good morning Dear Ones!

What a glorious day !!! It is, it really is !!! You are reading my words, then you must know how blessed you are to be able to see or even hear. You also have a modern tool e.g. computer, ipad, ipod, phone… whatever it is that you are using to read this that millions of people across the world do not have. So, chin up! Wipe your tears, put a smile on your face even if you have to force it and say out loud …THANK-YOU!

YOU DID IT!!!! I DID IT TOO , and it feels good!!!!

Yesterday, my day started slowly but in the afternoon once I picked myself up in spirit, my day picked up and by night time, I was flying !!! As I worked on this contest and started reaching out to people that I never would have, I heard things that I heard from people that I worked on or worked with … so I took it with a grain of salt.

Shame on me! Yesterday, I took a step out of my comfort zone and sent out this……

I’ve entered “The Next Great Visionary Business” Please support me by voting for me and making a comment. Would you also share this with others? I really appreciate whatever you decide to do. WHEN YOU GO TO THIS PAGE, YOU CAN VOTE FOR ME AND MAKE A COMMENT AND WATCH THE VIDEO I MADE. THE LINK FOR THE VIDEO IS RIGHT UNDER MY NAME


Thanks so much !!!! Lordiel

I sent out to people in my mailing list that I had sent things to me such as requests, ads, promotions etc. I decided that if they could send things to me, I could send things back to them. This mailing list is the list that google automatically keeps when you get emails from other people. It’s not even a list I put together!!! And to my amazement, within an hour people started responding back congratulating me and supporting me and voting… even writing comments !!! Go figure !!!!

I announced to the world and to my Higher Source that I AM READY !!! I always, well 90% of the time go with the flow and listen to my guides and Mother Father God … but last night, I listened with a vengeance. And I was doing things that I would have missed out on if I had not listened. I was up until 2 AM and woke up @ 5, but soon went back to sleep only to wake up again @ 6:30 AM fully awake and refreshed and ready to start another day.

When I started this journey, I made the comment that I was going to walk my talk and talk my walk. Well yesterday I called the people at the visionary contest for help and they helped me. And then my daughter Shanalyna called me and gave me advice which I readily accepted and used and it just made everything so much better. When my son came in from the base, Dishan s in the army …. we had dinner and watched a few episodes of Merlin after we talked about our day. And I even had time to talk to a few friends and exchange our blessings and laugh at ourselves. As the night wore on, My grandson Mikkel called and he read me the full story of ‘Little Red Riding Hood” he is only 6 yrs. old and then I talked with my daughter Barbara-Lee about our day … she helps me projects, my emails and comes up with ideas to make things easier for me.

By midnight, I was going through my facebook mail and  one of the messages stated,”I voted for you and when I saw your video, it was what I needed. I needed to hear those words,thank-you!” I can’t begin to tell you how blessed that made me feel, to be able to touch someone that I don’t know and haven’t even spoken to is a miracle in itself. That motivated me to stay up 2 more hours and keep plunging away through hundreds of emails.

So, I am going to end this by saying that the impossible is possible. As you go through the day , know and believe that anything and everything is possible as long as you are open to what is happening. Until tomorrow………… Blessings,
